Sanjeevani Hearing Solutions

Most People Who Have Lost Their Hearing Can Benefit From Hearing Aids.

Hearing aids can considerably improve communication and allow the hearing impaired to have a full and active lifestyle. Most people can hear their relatives and friends better with hearing aids, and they can enjoy group conversations without having to ask everyone to repeat themselves. They can watch TV at regular volume, hear warning signals, and hear better during phone conversations.

Hearing aids improve the quality of life in the majority of cases and mitigate the negative effects of hearing loss. On the other hand, untreated hearing impairment has a negative impact on quality of life.

An American study discovered that patients with hearing difficulties who did not utilize hearing aids were more likely to experience melancholy, depression, anxiety, and paranoia.

Emotional distress, insecurity, and decreased social activity.

This study also discovered that persons who began wearing hearing aids saw considerable improvements in their quality of life. Those who corrected their hearing loss with hearing aids reported the following benefits:

  • Overall improvement in their quality of life
  • Better relationships with their family.
  • Increased independence and security
  • Improved self-esteem / confidence
  • Better mental wellness.
  • lowering the risk of auditory deprivation 


Another advantage of wearing hearing aids is that it preserves the quality of your hearing and reduces the danger of auditory loss. As a result of persistent lack of sound input, or auditory deprivation, the brain eventually loses its ability to comprehend information, including speech.Auditory deprivation most commonly happens when the ear goes unsupported for a long period.of time – therefore the sooner you decide to wear hearing aids, the higher your chances of reducing this danger. So, the concept of “use it or lose it” truly applies to hearing.